When You Don't Know What You Don't Know

The first podcast is up and running and available for your listening pleasure.  We were so excited to take a part of Mary’s Final Memo and use it as a launching pad for wherever we are lucky enough to go from here.  It seemed like a no-brainer to take the recipe Mary specifically mentions as the one that she remembers as receiving the bad-feedback, since we feel it is likely we may be also offering some less than stellar reviews as we remake foods that were popular in our childhood.

What we didn’t anticipate is making an error right out of the gate!  I guess in hindsight this should not come as much of a surprise to us.  Neither of us have ever podcasted before, we are totally making it up as we go along and heck, I don’t even cook!  I mean, I do in the podcast.  Also, I don’t want to brag or anything but I do make a mean bowl of cold cereal and am even able to pop a bag of microwave popcorn without burning it!  But I digress, back to our error.  If you are thinking to yourself, “I listened to that podcast and have no idea what she’s talking about”, thank you for your vote of confidence.  If you are thinking, “this is the most uneducated woman about chutney that I have ever met”, you are not wrong either.

As it turns out, my enthusiasm over finding a jar of Major Grey’s Chutney locally was incredibly misplaced.  Major Grey isn’t a BRAND of chutney, it’s a TYPE of chutney.  I did learn about chutney to be able to speak intelligently about it (which obviously I did not!) though it appears my research was a little sub-par.  Now that I have learned a little more, let me fill you in on the finer details.  The consensus is that Major Grey is not a real guy though if he was, he was a 19th century British Army officer living in British India.  

Just to be clear, he is not this balding guy with some mean sideburns who is, in fact a real live guy with important historical significance.


Instead, he is just the name that is now synonymous with a mango chutney that includes raisins and lime juice.  Well that, and my first glaring error of my podcasting career.  The good news is, I caught my error.  The bad news is, there are sure to be more to come.  

Fortunately, I am not alone.  I recently read an article of adults telling their most embarrassing stories from their younger years, where their lack of experience caught up with them in humiliating ways.  Kristen has a great one that she will never live down in our family.  One year, when we were all headed north from Georgia, on the way home to northwest Ohio for our Christmas celebration, we decided to check the weather forecast.  While it was going to be decidedly colder in Ohio than it would be in Georgia while we were visiting, the forecast called for blue skies the entire time.  Disappointed that there wouldn’t be even a flake of snow while we were there, Kristen announced to us all that “it just isn’t a white Christmas without snow”.  We all stared at her for a minute before bursting out in laughter.  I believe the title of Captain Obvious might have been thrown around as she was completely correct, snow is a key part of a White Christmas!

So, in an effort to soothe my tender feelings, I have a request for you.  When did you not know what you didn’t know?  In other words, what is one of your Major Grey moments in life?  Send us an email at momswoodenspoon1@gmail.com.  In the meantime, Malcolm Forbes has my back.  He said, “The dumbest people I know are those who know it all”.  Woo hoo!  Not dumb!